With no previous experience, no talent, no upfront investment, and only 10 minutes of work...
How I made $464 in 1 Month with AI Music...
Learn how anyone can use AI to Create a Hit Song in under 10 Minutes, post it on Spotify and start earning money - with literally 0 experience.
The easiest way to make money with AI, that no one is talking about...
This is exactly how I made $464 in 1 month for just $7 lol.
Why Anthems Academy?
We've reached 50+ Million views on our AI songs and now we are sharing this knowledge with you!
6+ Easy to Follow Videos
A 6 step Music creation and diststribution course built WITH A COMPLETE BEGINNER IN MIND!
Learn How To Write Catchy Song Lyrics
You'll learn how to use AI to help you write catchy lyrics for your songs.
Turn Your Lyrics Into Certified Anthems
Learn how to use the AI software Texts Anthems use to create viral bangesr + how we ensure the songs are always good!
How To Access a Distributor
We'll take you throught the exact process in getting a distributor which is essential for gettin your music on streaming platforms!
Learn How To Get Your Songs on Spotify!
We'll take you step by step on how to publish your song to Spotify and creating your Artist profile so you can start earning royalties!
Learn How To Get Your Music on All Other Streaming Platforms.
Once you have your music on Spotify, we will show you how to get it on to all other streaming platforms like Apple Music, YouTube Music, Amazon, Tide etc.
Create Your Own Music in 6 Steps
In the course, you'll learn everything you need to know on how to build a legitimate Artist that can distribute music across all streaming media platforms and earn artist Royalties on your creations!
This is everything I did to get 50+ million views:
6 Steps From Idea to Hit Song
These are the exact steps you need to follow to start creating your own music, the Anthems Academy is the first of it's kind and we want to make sure these steps are as simple as possible, so we created the 6 steps entirely with beginners in mind.
Our Results...
Our Results...
We published 50 songs
We got 120,000 Streams...
And in May we made $464.50 from Spotify!
Everything We Did Is Inside Anthems Academy
From idea to song in under 10 minutes!
Inside Anthems Academy
How to write catchy songs using AI
You'll learn the skills how to use AI to help your creativity and write Catchy lyrics for your songs!
How to get a Distributor for your music.
We'll take you throught the exact process in getting a distributor which is essential for getting your music on streaming platforms!
How to turn scripts into Music
Step by step guide on how to use Ai turn your lyrics into certified bangers.
How to setup your Official Artist Profile
We'll take you throught the steps to setting up your Official Artist profile and creating your first playlist!
How to create Album Cover Artwork
Step by step guide on how to use AI to generate high quality Album cover Artwork in seconds.
Getting your music on to all streaming Platforms
You'll learn the exact steps you need to get your music on all other streaming platforms so you can start earning!
Inside Anthems Academy
How to write catchy songs using AI
You'll learn the skills how to use AI to help your creativity and write Catchy lyrics for your songs!
How to get a Distributor for your music.
We'll take you throught the exact process in getting a distributor which is essential for gettin your music on streaming platforms!
How to Create Music and Album Artwork
Step by step guide on how to use Ai turn your lyrics into certifiend bangers & create Album Artwork.
How to setup your Official Artist Profile
We'll take you throught the steps to setting up your Official Artist profile and creating your first playlist!
Getting your music on to Spotify.
We'll take you step by step on how to publish your song to Spotify and creating your Artist profile so you can start earning!
Getting your music on to all streaming Platforms
You'll learn the exact steps you need to get your music on all other streaming platforms
This is a step by step course for people that want to learn how to make their own music using AI and publish this music to popular streaming platforms!
No this is not a software this is an educational course that aims to help beginners who are interested in creating their own music using AI learn how.
No this just shows you how to make your own music and get it on every streaming platform, we have created a limited program for how to create a social media page like us - it is called Texts Anthems Blueprint - NOTE this is only open to a limited number of people so it may be SOLD OUT.
Yes! You can everything in the course from a phone but I would recommend for convenience to do this on a laptop or computer.
When you sign up to the Distributor they receive payments from Spotify and other streaming platforms on your behalf!
Of course!!! We recommend you just test out trying to make your own songs and see how much fun it actually it!!
If you have any questions about the Anthems Academy you can DM us on any of our social media platforms and we will get back to you!
Definitely! This is the main reason we created our online Academy as we personally had a lot of fun making our hit songs! AI is Incredible!
No! We have created this with complete beginners in mind. If you have no previous experience it will actually benefit you as AI gives you much less control that creating music in the traditional way! But if you have never made music - you won't know!
Any questions, email us contact@anthemsacademy,com
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